Legal Information
The company Adenao, committed to protecting individual rights, particularly regarding automated data processing, and in a spirit of transparency with its customers, has implemented a policy outlining all such processing, its intended purposes, and the means available to individuals to best exercise their rights.
For further information on personal data protection, please visit:
By continuing to browse this website, you unreservedly accept the terms and conditions of use outlined below.
The current online version of these terms of use is the only enforceable version throughout the duration of website use until a new version replaces it.
Article 1 - Legal Information
1.1 Website (hereinafter referred to as "the Site"):
1.2 Publisher (hereinafter referred to as "the Publisher"):
Adenao SAS, with a capital of €500.00
Registered office: 9 rue des Colonnes, 75002 Paris
Registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number B 817410178
Phone number: __________
Email address: [email protected]
1.3 Hosting Provider (hereinafter referred to as "the Host"):
Obsenza is hosted by OVH, whose registered office is located at 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.
Article 2 - Website Content
All trademarks, photographs, texts, comments, illustrations, images (animated or not), video sequences, sounds, as well as all software applications used for the website’s operation, and more generally all elements reproduced or used on the site, are protected by applicable intellectual property laws.
They are the full and exclusive property of the Publisher or its partners. Any reproduction, representation, use, or adaptation of all or part of these elements, including software applications, in any form whatsoever, without the prior written consent of the Publisher, is strictly prohibited.
The Publisher’s failure to initiate legal proceedings upon becoming aware of unauthorized uses does not constitute acceptance of such uses or a waiver of the right to pursue legal action.